Like a bug!

I have a tough exoskeleton just like a bug. No matter how much crap I have to take and bull I have to go thru…I usually remain calm and the outside world really can’t see what’s afflicting me. I have a lot going on in my life right now. A lot of great things and a lot of not so great things. But with all that going on I remain emotionally consistent. It’s like I have a protective shell around me making it so I don’t show or act the way I feel all the time. Wonder if this is a good thing or a bad thing?!?! Idk but I kno it has it’s pros and cons! Pro: ppl can’t tell your state of mind; emotionally consistent; easier to be discreet about certain things; focus is amazing. Cons: bottled up emotions come out randomly(lol); robot like qualities; emotional feelings of loneliness due to lack of sharing emotions come and go. Whether it be a good thing or a bad thing, it exist. And the fact that it does exist makes me like a bug!

